Tutankhamun is one of the most famous pharaohs of ancient Egypt

Tutankhamun is one of the most famous pharaohs of ancient Egypt

Tutankhamun is one of the most famous pharaohs of ancient Egypt from the 18th dynasty, and when we go back to the ancient Egyptian language, we find that the name Tutankhamun means the living image of the god Amun. Tutankhamun received his rule at an early age; He was nine years old, and since he was too young to govern himself, he had to have assistants, namely: Horemheb and Ay, as well as a group of government employees in addition to the ministers of the North and South, and scholars believe that Tutankhamun He had ruled Egypt for a period ranging from 8-10 years, and is considered the golden pharaoh, and enjoyed wide fame, but this fame was not related to his victories in wars, but rather to the treasures that were found in his grave and suffered no harm, apart from his death, which some consider the cause of which is unknown and mysterious. 

 Tutankhamun's marriage He married Tutankhamun after taking power in Egypt, and his marriage to his half-sister, the daughter of Queen Nefertiti, and the king's marriage to his sister was not unusual for kings in ancient Egypt, as it was customary for the king to marry his sister; To preserve the king's throne and preserve the royal blood, in addition to his belief that the king and queen are among the gods, and it was natural for God to marry his sister, but this custom was not very widespread among common people. . A follower of Tutankhamun's treasures points to the life of luxury and love that he lived with his wife, and some evidence also showed that his relationship with his wife was a love relationship since they were young.  The causes of the death of Tutankhamun There are many opinions and beliefs about the death of Tutankhamun. The effects of the fractures in his skull and femur led scholars to believe that his death was not natural, but that he was the victim of a conspiracy and was murdered, however, the report issued by the team in charge of studying the cause of death Tutankhamun's showed that his death was not the result of murder, so there is no evidence. Also.

blood poisoning due to inflammation resulting from a fractured femur was the main cause of his death, and Dr. Zahi Hawass mentioned that the hole in Tutankhamun's skull is for mummification onlyThe discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb is due to the discovery. Thanks to the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb to the British scientist Howard Carter in 1922 AD in Luxor in the Valley of the Kings, and he found a large group of artifacts, around 5,000 artifacts, and Howard noticed the existence of a basement while he was digging and digging at the beginning of the tunnel. He was taken to the tomb of King Ramses IV, and continued excavating and digging until he reached the tomb of Tutankhamun. The room containing his tomb was decorated with drawings depicting the story of his transfer to the realm of the dead. [3] [4] The process to get to Tutankhamun's mummy was not a process. Easy, lost.I was surrounded by three gold coffins, so Howard resorted to cutting these coffins, and after cutting them, he found that Tutankhamun's mummy was surrounded by a gold shroud, and it was difficult to lift it from the shroud that covered the mummy, so he cut the golden shroud and divided it into two parts, and then removed the gold shroud as well as the silk shroud. He found the mummy of Tutankhamun, which is adorned with all his jewels, such as rings.

 necklaces and a gold crown. The treasures of Tutankhamun There are many treasures and personal possessions in the tomb of Tutankhamun that were his property from his childhood until His receipt of the judgment and his death, in the tomb of Tutankhamun some of his games, in addition to writing tools of colors and panels, in addition to those ornaments that adorned Tutankhamun's mummy, and among the most important of these treasures: [5] The necklace of the sun god: This necklace is one of the A distinguished and rare collection of jewels and jewels that is found in the tomb of Tutankhamun, and the necklace of the sun god is one of the jewels that is associated with the ceremony of assumption of power of the king, and is currently in the Egyptian Museum of the Egyptian capital, Cairo. Tutankhamun's Trumpet: Another treasure found by the British scientist Howard is a trumpet made of silver, and this trumpet has importance in military ceremonies and ceremonies as well as in wars.

 and is currently in the Egyptian Museum. A group of statues of King Tutankhamun: Among the treasures found in Tutankhamun's tomb, a group of statues of him and the gods of the other world, numbering up to 32 statues, were all made of gilded wood. Gold coffins and mask: One of the treasures worthy of attention is the golden mummy mask of Tutankhamun, weighing up to 11 kg, and is decorated with a group of semi-precious stones, as for the at


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